I decided to take a break from posting my works to tell you about moi. My name is josta, I'm a teenager living in a 25 year old body. I live in central pa (represent) and am a mutton chop enthusiast. I'm glad I found this blogging device because I truly miss posting random rants and ravings ever since myspace was phased out, as well as xanga and various other online journals.
I'm an actor by trade, but typically work in customer service. I've been in such shows as mary shelley's frankenstein, the crucible and various others, I've written scripts for mostly comedies and thrillers. Despite my melancholy poetry, I'm known as the jester in my circles of friends.
I am also an avid history and literature nut as well as a science and arts addict. I love astrology and base a lot of things off of the stars. I myself am an aquarius with capricorn in my moon and taurus rising. The rest of my chart is populated by aquarius and sagittarius.
That's all for now, but I'm an open book so if you have any questions feel free to ask. Its a pleasure entertaining you all. Keep it unreal.